On the 15th of September 2023, Stitch2Print joined local companies to compete in the Taylor Lewis “It’s a Knockout!” charity fun day.

Taking home the medal for Best Dressed Team was only one of the many highlights of the day, competing in water games, inflatable activities, and various team-building tasks along with groups from other companies competing alongside us. The competition was tough, although everyone was blessed with nice sunny weather all day long. The games were followed by food and drinks from fabulous hosts Windslade Manor, and a prize ceremony with medals for the winning teams, a brilliant day couldn’t have ended better. Lots of money was raised for charity by all teams, and we can’t wait to compete again next year!

Below is a compilation of some of our highlights from the day:

Highlight Video

Stitch2Print was honored to help with some of the team’s costumes seen on the day, and they looked great! For any inquiries about your own customizable team wear, email us today!

Team Photo